Students enter the MPP with a wide range of academic backgrounds. Some have undergraduate degrees in Economics or Political Science, while others have studied everything from Anthropology to Zoology. Past cohorts have included practicing lawyers, PhDs in science and engineering, nurses and police officers. The diversity of our students’ education and professional experience further enhances the interdisciplinary nature of the MPP program.

Ai-men Lau, MPP
In both my professional and academic careers, I often navigated barriers and challenges that arose from well-meaning policies failing to address the problem it was designed to tackle. After completing a Bachelor of Social Work and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, I decided to make the pursuit of good policy my career.
I was drawn to the School of Public Policy for their outstanding faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and research opportunities. The Master of Public Policy program helped deepen my understanding of various facets of the policy making process, allowed me to explore the many challenges policymakers face, and introduced me to a diverse range of perspectives. The faculty at the School of Public Policy were instrumental to my academic career with their exceptional teaching and commitment to helping their students succeed.
Currently, I serve as an advisor to Alliance Canada Hong Kong (ACHK), a multi-partisan pro-democracy national campaign driven by pro-democracy Canadian-Hong Kongers. Since joining ACHK, I testified before the Subcommittee of International Human Rights, my op-eds have appeared in major Canadian newspapers, and presently, I support ACHK’s policy and research endeavours.